Hriešny new sigletrack is ready for your ride

As you may know, last year we start to build a new trail Hriešny.

O the first brigade we build the second section of the trail called Natural. After that we build the part Mravenisko (ant-hill). In the same year group of people around Matej L. and Zdena Ž. start to build the last section called Flow and when the last missing part called Výšlap has been build we connected all the trials to one trial Hriešny.


From today, 25.5.2020 we have the whole trail in his working version ready for you. His length is about 4,2 km and is ready to be ridden by you. In this way we can collect your feedback and experiences from riding the trail, later on this know-how will be used by finishing jobs on the trail.

Flow part has been designed by the guys and will be finished by mechanization, currently we are waiting for permission and finances. Výšlap needs to be ridden by you and if it will be needed and actual Corona situation will allow us to do so, we can come back to this part with you together later on. 

If you don’t know the where the trail is situated, his start is on hut Hrešná and is ending on Alpinka, here you can find GPS coordinates. Last part is ending on Alpinka from where you can go either back to hut Hrešná over hut Diana or you can pick the mainly known forest asphalt road to Bankov. With the blue line on the next picture you can see how you can come to Alpinka avoiding the main road to Jahodna and also possibility to avoid the last difficult part of the trail Flow.

You have to consider that this is still an working version of the trail.

Once again big thanks to all the people that are helping us on all KE.CY projects. 

See you soon by riding our bikes.